



Face-Driven Image Organizer

Managing and organizing vast collections of images can be a difficult task. Whether it's personal photos from family gatherings, special events like weddings and birthdays, or professional portraits, finding specific images quickly and efficiently can be challenging. We are targeting the users who wants to manage all there clicked pictures in an organized manner. Suppose, If the user has clicked 1000+ pictures in a family function and they are all messed up. Now in that case if that user needs to get only two specific people images from all 1000+ images how will he/she does?


Stormwater Device Management​
Stormwater Device Management

The Advanced Device Monitoring and Management Dashboard is a comprehensive solution designed to provide real-time monitoring, data analysis, and management of devices across various locations. This system integrates advanced features such as real-time data acquisition, historical data analysis, alert management, and customizable dashboards to enhance operational efficiency and decision-making. System integrates seamlessly with various communication channels and offers robust data handling capabilities, ensuring that you stay informed and in control at all times.

HR Mate


Copilot Chatbot

It's a Microsoft copilot enabled chatbot which can be integrated to various platforms like ms teams, slack or any other teams channel . The generative ai inside the HR mate is automatically trained on the company's documents present on the company's sharepoint or one drive documents , and can answer queries related to the company policies Members can apply for a leave using the HR mate , where they can specify the start date , end date and the the reason for leave and the HR mate will automatically submit a request for the leave and then the employee's can be notified via email if the leave is approved now